I just noticed I have not been blogging since a month ago. Guess I'm too occupied with everything. Here's how I welcomed the Rabbit year-2011 @ Marina Bay, Singapore. :)

Look at the crowd! :O

Silly me >p

The Universal Studio trademark

We came here and we found......

The Shrek!!!!!! All of us looked cute together :)

The ceiling in Jurassic Park food court. Looks like the one in "Night in the Museum"

Penguins in PLASTIC!

Ermmm, psyduck?

Noticed that all of us are wet. :(

When we approached her, this is what she told us: "Hey girls, let's do this together kay?" and here's the post. :D

Naughty Kungfu Panda!! He's going towards the bf. Not me. So, I decided to punch him! lol.

Awards in one of the gift shop. *bling bling*

And I received one from the bf. Read the label if you can. ;p

There goes the night. The girls and boys I heart dearly.

Last girly picture before we leave this amazing place..
After exit, we saw this Hersley Chocolate store. Yumzzz! I managed to bought a few. :)

Spot the odd one.
This is one good trip I went with a bunch of lovely people and it will be another amazing memory for me. And also, to spend another New Year together with the bf.

Awwwwww, so sweet ! You guys looked like you had so much fun together, I'm jealous ! haha xD
Wish you two the best o ! *wink*
I'd still prefer the one in Australia. Singapore's quite small. Not much entertainment too. Probably because of the bad weather that day. hehe.. Try to visit if you have the chance next time, ok? :)
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