I decided to separate this post with the previous one although it happens on the same day. Reason being I wanna share the GOOD FOOD I had in Marché and this is something to rave about! Besides the good food I had, I had it with the two amazing people in my life- Bf & Evelyn(Cousin). :))
Marché @ VivoCity
The Salad Section with variety of selections.

The food I had. (clock-wise)
Ham, unknown but it looks like kebab, Salmon slices, Salad & Rosti with German Sausage.
* Rosti is a must-have. It is a shredded potato fried so crisply and it's plainness goes just nicely with the sour cream.

With the bf.

With the amazing cousin :)

I wished to try the one in Malaysia someday. :)
Wow you rich girl...I never been to Marche before ehhh
My cousin treated me & bf. hoho. But it wasn't very expensive. The food portion is quite big, can share. :)
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