I finally ended my 2nd year 3rd semester! :) I had my 3 final papers two days continuously and presentation the next day which almost none of us has finish up our presentation slide and report. so, again, another day of late nights and few hours sleep. torturing tho. so, we coursemates decided to do something to get real crazy and also to have some sort of last farewell as all of us will not be together all time like what we used to have for the past 2 years. In 2 weeks from now, we'll start our internship program in different company.
So, after the last presentation, we had our lunch together in a vege restaurant so as to eat together with those veges. not bad tho the food there. It was rather sad not able to take pictures together for those leaving immediately and those having their flight book that night itself. :(
That night again, we decided to come together to one of our coursemate's house to just hang around and booze, play, talk, scream, shout.... I pick up a few of them from their college and head to the house in Hentian Kajang. Here comes the night where the night is still young for us although all of us had not been having good sleep for the past days.
As always, we set up a table and we'll just start gambling!

Look at the boss! =.=

Illegal gambling!

CK & I :)
Then, Hoyen and Layhow joined us as they were in PJ looking for rooms. They came here with uncounted sticks of ice-cream- Red bean, Durian, Jackfruit, Corn, Chocolate flavour. I had two sticks! It was just so the right mood for me to eat ice-cream. LOL! and additional 3 big bottles of Heineken Beer.

Our ice-creamS!

We actually had few games but we did not take any pictures as all of us were involved in the games. no camera man. We had 2 big bottles of beer for games. and we had 12 more smaller bottles for each of us. :D

Playing around with the bottles
Then, we came out with some idea like super models. "How do you wanna post to promote Heineken".... Here's the result:-


Zi Yuan

Maggie- Who's that person in orange? HAHA!

Zhi Cheng & Ah Boon - GAY!

Lay How- Heineken + KFC? bad combo. ;p

Me!- random picture with the bunny. they threw to me, then I just post.

Shu Hui


Aven- :O it's long!

Jay Teo- nice shot!
The night continues with more CAMWHORE! :)

Dancing bottle

nice one!
OMG! even with bottle cap?
We ended with all the fun on earth. Having them around you can always laugh although at times we might have some arguments, misunderstanding, not satisfying each other and all, but we forgive and forget easily. I'll miss those moments hanging out with them. Till then peeps, with love.